Marit K. 15 Sept 2012

By Dave on December 23rd, 2017

Thank you for maintaining this great website. Your website has provided me with a wealth of ideas and information about bushwalking in WA. I’m originally from the Netherlands…. I’ve done many walks (on-track and off-track) in NSW and in Tasmania. I moved to Perth a year and a half ago, and have been trying to get out into the bush. I was very disappointed to learn that we are not allowed to camp in most of the areas around Perth. It’s been very difficult to find wilderness and good overnight walks that are not the Bibbulman Track or Cape to Cape.[…] I’ve been searching everywhere for proper bushwalking maps for the Perth region and southwest of WA. I am not a GPS walker, being taught the ‘traditional’ way; I rely on my compass and would need 1:25,000 maps. But I cannot find maps anywhere.[…] The maps on your site are perfect, as they show all the vehicle tracks, 5m contour lines, and streams.[…]


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